TerraCom (ASX: TER) is resource company with a large portfolio of assets in Mongolia and Queensland, Australia. We have a resources profile under management across all projects of 2.522Bt and are diversified in terms of our exploration targets, which range from hard coking, thermal and PCI coals for both the domestic and export markets.


Our Company

Board of Directors

The Board work closely with the executive team to guide the growth strategy, and oversee governance and stewardship of the business moving forward.

Management Team

Our Management Team have in-depth expertise in change management, structural growth and development strategies.

Our People

Our foundation for successful and sustainable growth is built on the skill and capability of our workforce. Our company is focused on attracting, developing and retaining the right people.


Our talented workforce has the skills, experience and resourcefulness to realise opportunities, respond to project challenges and add value to our growing business.

Our Business

Board of Directors

The Board work closely with the executive team to guide the growth strategy, and oversee governance and stewardship of the business moving forward.

Management Team

Our Management Team have in-depth expertise in change management, structural growth and development strategies.

Our People

Our foundation for successful and sustainable growth is built on the skill and capability of our workforce. Our company is focused on attracting, developing and retaining the right people.


Our talented workforce has the skills, experience and resourcefulness to realise opportunities, respond to project challenges and add value to our growing business.

Investor Centre

Board of Directors

The Board work closely with the executive team to guide the growth strategy, and oversee governance and stewardship of the business moving forward.

Management Team

Our Management Team have in-depth expertise in change management, structural growth and development strategies.

Our People

Our foundation for successful and sustainable growth is built on the skill and capability of our workforce. Our company is focused on attracting, developing and retaining the right people.


Our talented workforce has the skills, experience and resourcefulness to realise opportunities, respond to project challenges and add value to our growing business.


TerraCom is an emerging mid-tier resource and energy company that leads shareholder value by responsibly and sustainably acquiring, building and operating assets in the resource & energy sector in multiple jurisdictions. 


TerraCom has established a portfolio of coal exploration tenement areas in Queensland, Australia. TerraCom’s tenements cover an estimated area in excess of 9,500 square kilometres. 


In Australia, in addition to our Corporate Blair Athol Coal Mine location, TerraCom owns several other coal projects including the high energy prime thermal coal…


The health and safety of our people is a key driver for us, and we are committed to providing a safe working environment, while ensuring we achieve our production targets.


Our foundation for successful and sustainable growth is being built on the skill and capability of our workforce. Our company is focused on attracting, developing and retaining the right people.


TerraCom’s goal is to become one of the largest and highest quality coking coal producers in Mongolia, providing exceptional value for its steel-producing customers.


Protecting the unique environment of the areas in which we operate is important to TerraCom. We understand that exploration activities and mining  have some impact on the natural environment. 


TerraCom’s projects have the potential to deliver significant benefits to communities across the globe. We build strong local connections through donations and sponsorships…